Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) is a chronic skin condition that involves irritated and itchy patches of skin. The exact cause of eczema is not known, but it is common in childhood but may not manifest until later years. If a child gets eczema during this time, dry and scaly patches appear on the skin. These patches often appear on the scalp, forehead, face, cheeks, folds of the arms, the back of the knees, and wrists. No matter where it appears, eczema is often very itchy. Scratching can also lead to a skin infection. It is important to remember however that eczema and its symptoms are different for everyone. Eczema tends to run in families and is commonly associated with other conditions, such as asthma and seasonal allergies. Some of the more common symptoms of eczema include:
Dry, sensitive skin
Red, inflamed skin
Very bad itching
Dark colored patches of skin
Rough, leathery or scaly patches of skin
Oozing or crusting
Areas of swelling
The box contains:
Problem related medicine pack
- Antifungal Ointment
- Antifungal cream
- Antifungal Wash
Skin maintenance cream